Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Victor was all entangled with the battle from within as he was with the one happening around him. Two days flew by, victor was yet to reconcile with his psychological enemy, but then he had another reason to cheer about on the Grand Finale the team he was with emerged victorious, although many conspiracy theories have been circulating as to what exactly was his contribution. But victor "Controversy's child that he was, was too engrossed with the inner-battle that he was in cognizant to what was happening". The day has arrived he had to leave the magical place of "Udan" back to "laregban" but then his mates were wondering, "Udan isn't so magical after all, is it?" Victor knew the answer. That night all the "laregbans" were all packed to set sail back to they belong. Victor knew this journey of his is going to last many a lifetimes.
It was a quiet journey back to the town not on the "parallelinas" but what seemed like a version of a bus, known as "hubas". And it was again not one that will be of fond remembrance to his mates as it took toll on his posture. It was an exerting journey. It was a rather cold morning when Victor and his mates alighted.
Victor knew something isn't the same. Some thing's missing. What it was he was soon going to find out.

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