Wednesday, November 25, 2009

This would probably be the last blog of the series.

Victor as already known didn't create quite the impression he wanted to in the assignment. But then, he was willing to try harder. Why? Aura was backing him. Slowly Aura started becoming the focal point of his life. She was the centre. Victor couldn't think of anything else except "Aura" and this helped him as well. She kept backing him, and this put a smile on Victor's face. He was the happiest around her.One may wonder how? But that was the beauty according to Victor. He barely has met aura for a few times. Countable on one hand, that's how many times he met her. But then she had a humongous impact on Victor. Then, Victor kept himself busy with whatever little projects that came his way. The adrenaline junky was on a high. Aura also joined a professional Course, quite unrelated to the previous work she did in "Adrenaline Inc" She had moved to the country "Nupa". "Further away" thought Victor. But then he had learnt it by now that Victor was nothing without Aura. He knew to keep going he needed Aura with him. And she was always there, this made Victor happy. He was completing projects after projects. Then, one day Aura was visiting "laregban". Victor met Aura after a gap of more than a year. Someone so close to him, and he was meeting after a year.Quite ironical.

They spent three truly surreal and magical days together, one that Victor thought he will cherish for the rest of his life. He just lived the three BEST days of his life. Then, the day came, Aura had to return to "Nupa". Victor couldn't bear the thought of her leaving him and going. But, she had to. And, she did.

Victor was ravaged at this. He was not the same anymore. He knew it. Victor had to be around with Aura to be able to live. He knew he was as good as dead without Aura. He then grew much closer and attached to his favorite "Aura". He knew Aura was his Everything. He knew Aura had to be there with him to take on his dreams, to conquer all that he had wanted.

"Aura" was,is and will be Victor's only hope. He truly admires the invincible Aura. He wanted to pay a tribute to her,around whom he was the happiest best. He wrote a memoir for her, saying how much she meant to him. And how much he cared for Aura, and how much he adored and loved and missed Aura. Thus, he ended his tribute her by letting her know, he loved her a lot, like as though his life depended on it. He knows it does. He just loves her in every breath he takes. He just truly madly deeply cared.

And he hopes Aura will see his present to her. And he hoped(s) she "Glows with happiness" when she receives it.

And so lives the boy Victor, but what happens next? Is left to your imagination.

But,Victor grew wise and he knows he loves her like crazy. And will love her forever....



The characters and the companies and places mentioned are purely fictitious and any resemblance to any living or dead is purely co-incidental.

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